Ignite Corvallis 2 Videos

Posted on December 8, 2009 by Jason P

Here are all of the videos from Ignite Corvallis 2. Great job everyone!

Dawn Foster - What is Ignite?

Ross Swartzendruber - Alcohol and Creativity

Jason Prothero - Grassroots Stimulus Plan

Sean O'Brien - Digitalization and Interpreting Reality

Tamra Tilton - Brave New Travel Innovations, Surfing with Locals & WWOOFing

Ryan Gardner - How to take better pictures

Aaron Hockley - A Glimpse Into the World of Hot, Steamy #trainporn

Loyan Roylance - What Social Media Has Taught Me

Katherine Cleland - Glitter, Legos, Hacksaws, Recyclables, Bandaids and Imagination

Matt Neznanski - So now you've overthrown the tyranny of reporters. Now what?

Adam DuVander - Share your location: it's not creepy, it's the future

Scott Gilpin - A Masters Degree in 1680 Characters

Charlie Tomlinson - Economic Gardening and the Creative Class: Place Matters

Andy Vaughn - Your website sucks!