Chris Nordyke Blogs about His Experience at Ignite Corvallis 1

Posted on February 16, 2009 by Jason P

Chris Nordyke was one of the brave souls who jumped in headfirst and did an Ignite Corvallis 1 presentation.

Here's a link to his presentation video: Ignite Corvallis Chris Nordyke, State Farm Insurance

I asked Chris to write about his experiences on his blog so he could give potential Ignite Corvallis 2 presenters some context for their burning ideas.

I'm highlighting my favorite chucnk here, but go to his blog and read the whole thing:

Chris Nordyke - Ignite Corvallis- Powerpoint doesn't have to be lame.

"First bit of advice- start mulling over your slide deck as soon as possible. Don't wait until a few days before the event. It is much more challenging than I thought, to put together a compelling/funny/persuasive deck of slides, when you've got exactly 20 to work with and they're auto-advancing every 15 seconds. So take your time, review it with friends or your spouse, and you're guaranteed to change it up at least 10 times before the event.

There were a ton of people at the event, and yet there was a great (dare I say) forgiving tone to the room. Everybody was excited, and in a way, living vicariously through the presenters. They're less spectators, and more participants. But it is a spectacle none the less. I was scheduled right in the middle of the roster. Fortunately, before my turn, there were several funny presentations to loosen up the room and also calm the nerves in the dugout.

I think my presentation went o.k. It was a bit dry, I wandered off script a bit, and got lost in some "uhs, ahs, and umms". Overall I'd give myself a B-. The cool part about it, was it really didn't matter how I did. People remembered the ones they loved, and the other ones just sort of faded into the background. It was a great platform to practice a skill that has enormous value to any artist, entrepreneur or technologist.

For those of you waffling a bit- Just go for it. Ignite is not only a great way to meet new people, but a safe venue to stick your neck out a bit and have fun trying something new."

Doesn't sound too bad does it? Were still looking for Presentations!

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