Ignite Corvallis 2 Was A Blast!

Posted on November 6, 2009 by Jason P

Thanks to everyone who presented, attended, and helped organize Ignite Corvallis 2. It was a fun night!

Videos will be up in a bit (couple weeks?) and don't forget about the next two Ignite events in the area:

Ignite Salem 2 - Thursday, November 12 at Northern Lights Theatre Pub in Salem - FB event

Ignite Portland 7 - Thursday, November 19 at the Bagdad Theater (3702 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland)

Thanks to the planning/selection committee:

Lance Albertson
Chris Nordyke
Paul Bausch
Loyan Roylance

Thanks to Donna Williams at OSU for making everything exceeding smooth.

Thanks to Jessica at Rocket Queen Cupcakes for having awesome cupcakes and sharing them with us!

Thanks to Dawn Foster for MC-ing, being the "Unofficial Person In Charge of the Party Bus", and for all the help promoting the event/bus.

Thanks to Hut Shuttle for providing a comfy bus with WiFi and power, and thanks to Calapooia Brewing for sponsoring the bus! (Thanks Rebecca Badger for hooking that up!)

And thanks to the brave souls who got up on stage and put it on the line:

Ross Swartzendruber
Jason Prothero
Sean O'Brien
Tamra Tilton
Ryan Gardner
Aaron Hockley
Loyan Roylance
Katherine Cleland
Matt Neznanski
Adam DuVander
Scott Gilpin
Charlie Tomlinson
Andy Vaughn

(Linked to their Twitter accounts in case you wanted to chat more about their burning ideas)

Do you have photos from Ignite Corvallis 2? Please tag them as ignitecorvallis2 on Flickr and we will see them here:

If you blogged about Ignite, let us know!

Blogs/News about the event:

First notes from Willamette Innovators Night - Mike McInally
However, the show was stolen by presentations from Loyan Roylance of ProWorks, who spoke on the topic of “What Social Media Has Taught Me About Sex” (which I choose here not to excerpt in any way), and Aaron Hockley, a Portland photographer who spoke on his passion: Loving photographs of trains, or as he put it, “train porn.”

Love the tweets about and during the event:

Twitter Search: ignitecorvallis2 OR ignitecorvallis OR "ignite corvallis"

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